

This module manages the product catalog.

See also Modules Services to manage a catalog of services, or page Module Stocks to manage warehouses and stock.


This module is included with the Werpos distribution, so there is no need to install it.


To use this module, you must first enable it using an administrator account, via the menu option “Home – Setup – Modules“.

Choose the tab where the module is listed. Then click on “Activate“.

The module is now activated.

If an icon appears at end of the line for the module, click on it to access the setup page specific to the module.



product is an object you sell to customers or it is an object you buy from suppliers. It is a physical object as opposed to Services.

A product follows this rules:

  • A product can be stocked into a warehouse (only products appears in module Stock. Services are not visible).
  • A product can be delivered (only products appears in module Shipment. Services are not visible. Services are realized but cannot be shipped).
  • A product is a material good. It’s value often decreases with time (the value of a used product is less than a new product).

Some fields are dedicated to products and not available for Services like:

  • Weight
  • Size
  • Customs code = Commodity code = License code = HTS (An international 6 character code to define the category of product)

Virtual products (kits, also called Pack products)

A product or service may be a virtual (parent) product comprising other (real) products. This function is activated from the Products module or the Service configuration page. It allows “packages” or “kits” of products that for use in orders, invoices and inventory as a single element instead of the n products as Lot.

A virtual product complies with the following rules:

  • When adding a product in a document (proposals, invoice, order), only the line of the virtual parent product is shown.
  • The stock of the individual components of the virtual product is incremented / decremented when the virtual product is incremented / decremented.
  • A virtual product may itself be composed of other virtual products that contain the physical products.

Note: It is not a function of “manufacturing / production” where the virtual product component products are consumed son of stock father for an additional product in stock. Here, the sub-components produced a virtual product are decremented stock at the time of consumption of the virtual product and remain independent manner consumables byproducts other, unlike a manufacturing module, wherein when that a by-product is used to manufacture a father module, the products under the same stock is decremented if the father product is not yet distributed, and often this byproducts can no longer do the reverse way back in stock.

Rules to manage sale prices

There are 4 ways to manage sale price of products in Werpos.

  • One and only one price per product
  • Price per segment of customers
  • Price per customer
  • price per quantity (experimental)

Price per segment of customers

Werpos can accept several prices per customer segment. By default, there is 5 segments (so 5 groups of different customers), but you can change this number. Each customer can be into 1 and only 1 segment and will use the price defined for its segment (or segment 1 if the segment of customer is not defined).

As of v12 the REST API support getting but not setting multiprices per segment for a product. Price for a product and customer segment can be set from backoffice only.


Products can be added to one or multiple categories.

To set categories of a product with API, you must use the APIs /categories/…


A product can have one or multiple images. This can be manually set from the tab “Linked files” of a product.

To get or set an image of a product using the APIs, you must use the API /documents (with “modulepart” parameter = “product” or “service”).


A product can have multiple variants, e.g. for sizes or colors.

As of v12 the REST API supports both getting, setting and deleting variants for a product.