Expense Reports


With this module, employees can manage (create, edit, delete) their expense reports.

Their supervisor can validate it and a book keeper can set them as paid.

Documents (scan of expense reports) can also be attached to each demand.


This module is included with the Werpos distribution, so there is no need to install it.


To use this module, you must first enable it using an administrator account, via the menu option “Home – Setup – Modules“.

Choose the tab where the module is listed. Then click on “Activate“.

The module is now activated.

If an icon appears at end of the line for the module, click on it to access the setup page specific to the module.

Life Cycle / Business Rules

An expense report follow the following life cycle:


     /                                                             |

    /                       /———————->———> E-Canceled

   /                       /                      /

A-Draft –> B-Validated/Waiting approval –> C-Approved —–> D1-Enter payment —-> D2-Payed

   |             |        \                             \

   <————–         \                             |

   |                        —————> D-Denied <–|

   |                                             /       /


  • A) Draft status means the expense report does not exists yet. Edition is not yet finished.
  • B) Status validated means also “waiting for approval”. When you validate an expense report, an email is sent to the supervisor.
  • C) A supervisor with permission “Approve expense reports” can approve the expense report.
  • D) A user with permission “Set Payed” can classify the expense report to *Payed*.
  • E) The author of expense report can cancel it if status is not yet payed. He can then send it back to draft if he want to resubmit it later.

Create an expense report

Creation of an invoice need to go on card of a third party, on tab “Customer” (this require your third party has customer nature).

If Module Workflow and Module Commercial Proposals enabled, you can also have a draft customer orders automatically created once a proposal is closed (You must set this into setup of Module Workflow.

Validate an expense report

To validate an expense report, go on its card (you can find order from menu HR – Expense report – List).

Then click on button *Validate and submit for approval*. An email will be sent to supervisor of user (or another user if expense report creator ask a validation by another approver).

Modify an expense report

To modify an expense report, go on its card (you can find order from menu HR – Expense report – List).

You can edit it if expense report has draft status. If not click on action button Back to draft.

Approve/ Deny an expense report

To approve or deny an expense report, go on its card (you can find order from menu HR – Expense report – List). Note that user need permission *Approve/Deny expense report* to be able to approve or deny an expense report.

Pay an expense report

Only users with permission “Pay expense reports” can enter payment on an invoice (required only if Module Banks and Cash is enabled) and set an expense report to status “Payed”.

If module bank is enabled, to enter a payment, go on its card (you can find order from menu HR – Expense report – List) and choose *Enter payment*. If module bank is not enabled, entering a payment is not requested.

To set an expense report to “Payed”, go on its card (you can find order from menu HR – Expense report – List), then click on *Set as payed*

Delete an expense report

To delete an expense report, go on its card (you can find order from menu HR – Expense report – List . You need permission *Delete expense reports* for this. Usually, few people has this permission since deleting is not useful compared to cancel/deny status.

Then click on action button Delete.

Warning, a deleted expense report is definitively removed with no way to restore it.